One Couple Who Were Meant To Be...
This is a page on the a couple who were very suited to each other, a pair of rebels as people liked to call them. They had plans that they wanted to do, they wanted to take over. They loved each other so much. But what ruined it all? |
Drusilla was once thought of being an innocent child who lived in London with her family in 1860. She was born with the power of being able to see into the future. She was once noticed by the vampire Darla and she reported back to the vampire Angelus. Angelus then decided to take interest in Drusilla. Drusilla had visions of many people dying and these visions came true usually. To get to her, Angelus had to go through Drusilla's whole family by killing them one by one this finally drove Drusilla insane. Then finally when she was about to take the holy vow he sired her and turned her into a vampire.
When Drusilla sired Spike.
In 1880, Angelus and his gang of vampires decided that Drusilla needed a mate, so she sired an all round whats the word? Good, emotional English poet named William-the-bloody, named for this because of his bloody awful poetry. The four travelled the world together. |
Boxing Rebellion
In June 1990 Spike, Drusilla and Darla travelled to Peking China during the Boxing Rebellion, where they fed of innocent victims. Angelus rejoined them despite his soul he tried to remain to his evil self. William the bloody who had now changed his name to Spike (from killing innocents with rail way spikes) managed to locate the slayer at the present time Xin Rong. Spike managed to kill the slayer even though she left him with a scar over his left eyebrow. As the Boxing Rebellion continued Spike and Drusilla had to hide their identies but they became found how by Xin Rong's grandfather who learned they were vampires but he was unable to stop the rebellious pair. In 1933 Spike and Drusilla attended the World's Fair in Chicago where they were attacked by relatives of Xin Rong. Spike and Drusilla defeated their assailants and stumbled on a scientist who had invented a power generator that drew energy from a powerful demon in another dimension. The demon wanted to open a door returning the ancient demons to Earth, but Spike and Drusilla were able to defeat it. Drusilla then sired the scientist as a vampire for her amusement. |
Their Life in Sunnydale
Spike and Drusilla arrived in Sunnydale in 1997 during the fall. They soon discovered that the local vampires were being hunted by the new vampire slayer Buffy Summers. Spike vowed to kill her during the festival of St. Vigious to establish himself as the baddest vampire in town. After arriving Drusilla soon sired Sunnydale bad-girl Shelia Martini. Spike and a band of vampires attacked Buffy during Parent Teacher Conferences. Spike didn't realise that Buffy had friends and family helping out her in her slayer kills. Spike then discovered that his "mate" Angelus had come to Sunnydale and was now known by the name of Angel who also helped the slayer. The attempt to kill Buffy was a total failure. |
Torturing Angelus
After stealing a book from Buffy's watcher Rupert Giles. Spike learned that the blood of a vampire's sire can be used to revitalize a weak vampire. Spike and Drusilla kidnapped Angel and tortured him before performing the ritual to revitalize Drusilla. Drusilla was cured, but Spike was badly wounded in the process of protecting her, leaving him wheelchair bound. |
The raising of the Judge
Spike and Drusilla decided to the raise the demon the Judge. But as Angel tried to stop them he lost he soul after he slept with Buffy and returned to his evil self and decided to form again with Spike and Drusilla. |
In 1998 Angel and Drusilla decided they would raise an even more powerful demon called Acathla who would destroy the world by sucking everything into hell. Spike became not a friend of Buffy but lets say he needed her help she needed his. They both wanted to sabotage the plan of Angels and Drusillas. Drusilla was stopped by Spike but before that she killed the vampire slayer Kendra. Angel was then sucessful in raising the demon, Buffy showed up in time but the ritual had already started, Angel had returned to his former good self but in order to stop the ritual she had to kill both Acathla and the bringer of the demon who was of course Angel. Buffy did this task which made her lover Angel be sucked into hell. |
Leaving Sunnydale
When Drusilla and Spike left Sunnydale they went to Cicagne in Italy. One day Drusilla dreamed of Angel and called out his name. Spike went into a terrible rage and decided to burn her face with his cigarette to teach her a lesson. Again she called out Angel's name, Spike threw her out the window where she was burned by the sunlight. But Spike ran outside with a blanket and carried her back inside.Spike traveled to Suru, Turkey where he set himself up as the local underworld boss, frightening and feeding on locals. Drusilla traveled to the island of Crete where she uncovered the tomb of a sorcerer named Koines and used the blood of a young girl to reanimate him. Drusilla and Koines traveled to Suru together. Koines used his powers over the dead to animate zombies to attack Spike. Spike burned the zombies, but Koines animated them again, and in doing so learned he could also control vampires. He took to controlling Drusilla for his own pleasure, which horrified her. Spike knocked Koines over the head and escaped with Drusilla. Drusilla said she had a backup plan in case Koines got out of control, a magic potion which would banish Koines and all demons near him that didn't have a protective amulet she wore. She gave Spike another amulet, but he didn't believe her and threw it away. Drusilla and Spike confronted Koines and she used the potion, which opened a portal which sucked Koines in. Learning Spike was being sucked in too, she gave him her amulet, but Spike refused to let go of her, keeping her out of the portal and getting her to a safe distance. Drusilla was wounded in the escape and Spike had to force feed her blood from a villager to save her. Drusilla recovered and they made up. Spike suggested they travel to Brazil. |
Oh The Affairs
Spike and Drusilla finally travelled to Brazil. While there she sensed his aura reeked of Buffy which made her fell sick at the sight of him as she could no longer stand to look at him. Drusilla kept having affairs with other demons, including a rather perplexed Chaos demon. Spike finally left Drusilla and drank to he couldnt drink anymore. Spike knew he could no longer go on without Drusilla and returned to her once more, but Drusilla ended up with a fungus demon and this time Spike was wise and left her for good. Drusilla then set off to L.A to try and reform Darla and Angel. |
So What If He Loved Her?
It was a dream...or so he wanted to tell himself so. But after the dream with him saying I love you Buffy, he hoped to himself it wasn't but he soon learned that the feelings he had for Buffy were true. Many times he tried to stop loving Buffy but the time he spent with the Scoobies and Buffy didn't give him much chance for them to stop. So he decided the only thing he could do was tell Buffy. And she was disgusted she didnt even want to hear about it. He told her he had tried to stop but she told him to try harder and that it wasn't real. |
She came back...
Finally the lovers reunited or did they? Drusilla finally returned back to Sunnydale in search of her former lover Spike hoping to return him back to his bad self even though Spike's brain was meddled with when the Initiative put a chip into Spike's brain which stopped him hurting humans. Spike thought he could return to his usual self and went to the Bronze with Drusilla where she gave him a human to drink as he could already drink someone who was dead. |
Would He Really Kill Her?
When Spike returned to his crypt with Drusilla after going to the Bronze he discovered Buffy snooping around looking for things that really did prove he loved her. Finally she found many pictures of herself and she knew maybe he was obsessed with her. When Spike caught her chained her up but much to Drusilla astonishment he also chained her up. Spike wanted Buffy to let him know that maybe sometime there would be something between them but she told him he had no chance with her making out that he was practically beneath her. So to prove his love for Buffy he decided he would stake Drusilla. But this had no affect on Buffy what so ever so he stopped himself. Drusilla was let go but before she left she said "I knew you loved the slayer". |
We Knew It Would Happen...
We Knew It Would Happen...In Season Six when Buffy returned from the dead, we started to realise she was "off colour" When Buffy and Spike shared their first kiss during the musical episode "One More With Feeling" she tried to convince herself and Spike that it was the spell but we soon realised that the spell did not matter as at the end of the episode "Tabula Rasa" she kissed him again. Later on in the season she finally slept with Spike, and again and again.. But she broke it off when she realised that she was using him for herself and that she was hurting him. He attempted to rape her later on in the season but was stopped when Buffy kicked him off. But he was disgusted with himself and left Sunnydale as he was on a mission. |
He did it for her
When Spike finally returned to Sunnydale he now had a soul and he did it all for Buffy. She knew she did need him and that she wanted him with her. They never slept with each other but they soon realised they were now more than that they needed each other. Now that Spike knew there was a connection he wanted to be with Buffy. But at the end of the season Spike died as he was burnt from the hellmouth but before that Buffy told him she loved him but much to her astonishment he didnt believe her. Maybe they were a couple that were meant to be... |